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DK Science: What Is A Dinosaur?

GiganotosaurusLeg bonesHip bonesForelimbsSkullsIn the middle of the 19th century, the first fossil skeletons of some extraordinary creatures were unearthed. These skeletons are of the dinosaurs –…

List of Dinosaurs... By U.S. State!

State symbols have been around since 1893, when the World Fair in Chicago featured a National Garland of Flowers with a flower for each of the fifty states. While these flowers didn’t necessarily…

How many types of dinosaurs are known?

Approximately 700 species have been named. However, a recent scientific review suggests that only about half of these are based on fairly complete specimens that can be shown to be unique and…

How long could a dinosaur live?

Animal lifespans relate in part to their body size and in part to their type of metabolism. Dinosaur lifespans probably varied in length from tens of years to hundreds of years. Their possible…

When did dinosaurs become extinct?

Dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago (at the end of the Cretaceous Period), after living on Earth for about 165 million years. If all of Earth time from the very beginning of the…

Why did the dinosaurs die out?

There are dozens of theories to explain a probable cause or causes. Throughout the Mesozoic Era, individual dinosaur species were evolving and becoming extinct for various reasons. The unusually…

Ancient Bird Could Be Feathered Dinosaur

Did Birds Evolve from Dinosaurs? Feathered fossil fascinates scientists by David Johnson The fossil of this feathered, lizard-like creature is one of several disputes in the…

Ancient Bird Could Be Feathered Dinosaur

Did Birds Evolve from Dinosaurs? Feathered fossil fascinates scientists by David Johnson The fossil of this feathered, lizard-like creature is one of several disputes in the…

Dinosaur Fossils (By U.S. State!)

Most people are familiar with their state’s official flower and flag, but did you know that almost every state has an official fossil as well? These state symbols are a representation of a territory…