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(Encyclopedia) dinosaurdinosaurdīˈnəsôr [key] [Gr., = terrible lizard], extinct land reptile of the Mesozoic era. The dinosaurs, which were egg-laying animals, ranged in length from 21&fslsh;2 ft…

When did the dinosaurs first appear on Earth?

The oldest dinosaur types are known from rocks in Argentina and Brazil and are about 230 million years old. The most primitive of these types, Eoraptor, was a small meat-eating dinosaur. Because…

How fast could dinosaurs walk or run?

Estimates of dinosaur speeds vary because several different methods are used to calculate them. One recent estimate suggests that an average person might have been able to to outrun an adult…

Did people and dinosaurs live at the same time?

No! After the dinosaurs died out, nearly 65 million years passed before people appeared on Earth. However, small mammals (including shrew-sized primates) were alive at the time of the dinosaurs.…

How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night?

Distributor:Weston Woods This humorous animated adaptation of Jane Yolen’s picture book combines engaging narration by the author, additional artwork, and inspired direction to create the memorable…

DK Science: Attack

Slashing clawChasing down preyDeath by poisonFlesh-eating dinosaurs had different methods of attack that varied with their size, agility, and victims. Large predators crept up on giant herbivores…

DK Science: Below The Waves

Snake neckElasmosaurusJurassic sharkIchthyosaurusFanged predatorNothosaurusGiant of the southern seasKronosaurusSea lizardTylosaurusOn the scentWhile dinosaurs ruled the land, the ocean was the…

DK Science: Biographies

Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte De Buffon 1707–1788Georges Cuvier 1769–1832Alexandre Brongniart 1770–1847William Buckland 1784–1856Gideon Mantell 1790–1852Mary Anning 1799–1847Richard Owen 1804–…

DK Science: Bipedal Carnivores

Internal anatomyExternal anatomyThree-toed feetSome theropodsThe scientific name for meat-eating dinosaurs is theropods, which means “beast-footed”. These fierce hunting carnivores were saurischian…

DK Science: Bipedal Herbivores

Internal anatomyExternal anatomyToothless beak and cheek teethHerbivore teethSome bipedal herbivoresAs well as the giant plant-eaters, there were several other groups of smaller herbivores,…