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The President's Cabinet

Members of the President's Cabinet act as his official advisory group and head executive departments. The President appoints members of his cabinet and the Senate must confirm them. Here is a list…

Presidency on Film

The Presidency on Film by Beth Rowen RELATED LINKS Biographies of PresidentsOrder of Presidential SuccessionAssassinationsThe White HousePresidents (table)Burial Places…

Presidents' Day

 Presidential TriviaEight of the first nine American presidents —Washington, John Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Jackson, and Harrison— were born British subjects. Van Buren…

Presidents' Day

JFK (1991)Director: Oliver Stone. Cast: Kevin Costner, Sissy Spacek, Joe Pesci, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary Oldman  Election Facts How a President is Nominated Electoral College Presidential Elections…

Presidents' Day

Air Force One (1997)Director: Wolfgang Petersen. Cast: Harrison Ford, Gary Oldman, Wendy Crewson, Glenn Close Air Force One Harrison Ford's President James Marshall is the chief executive that…

Requirements to be President

  Just who can run for president? 2016 Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore Related Links U.S. Elections How a President Is Nominated and…

Changes in the Presidency

While historians have often noted the changes in the power of the presidency, other important aspects of the office have changed as well. These include how the President is selected, when the…

Biographies of the Presidents

  Read bios on all of the U.S. presidents from George Washington to Ulysses S. Grant to Barack Obama. George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe…

Mexico: Presidents

Presidents Guadalupe Victoria (1824–1829) Vicente Ramón Guerrero (1829) Pedro Velez, Lucas Alamán Luis de Quintana, acting presidents (!829–1830) Anastasio Bustamante (1830–1832, 1837–1841)…