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Movie Timeline

Here are key moments in the history and evolution of the cinema. 1889William Kennedy Laurie Dickson, commissioned by Thomas Alva Edison, builds the first motion-picture camera and names it the…

Emoji Timeline

In the timeline below, discover the history of the well-loved miniature icons Related Links Smileys Computer Glossary Emoji Crafts and Activities Not to be confused with the…

Chechnya Timeline

by David Johnson and Borgna Brunner 1800s 1900s 1950s 1990s 2000 2002 2005 2008 2010 2014 1830s Czar Nicholas I invades Caucasus, meets fierce resistance. 1859 Russia conquers,…

Comics Timeline

The history of the funnies in America by Shmuel Ross and Jennie Wood 1800s • 1900–1919 • 1920s • 1930s • 1940s • 1950s • 1960s • 1970s • 1980s • 1990s • 2000s •…

AIDS Timeline

Key events, important people, activism and breakthroughs by David Johnson and Shmuel Ross 1981-1983 1985-1988 1991-1995 1996-Present 1981 "Gay cancer," later…

AIDS Timeline

Key events, important people, activism and breakthroughs by David Johnson and Shmuel Ross 1981-1995 1996-1999 2000-2002 2003-2005 2006-2008 2009-present     Top…

AIDS Timeline

Key events, important people, activism and breakthroughs by David Johnson and Shmuel Ross 1981-1983 1985-1988 1991-1995 1996-Present 1981 "Gay cancer," later…

AIDS Timeline

Key events, important people, activism and breakthroughs by David Johnson and Shmuel Ross 1981-1983 1985-1988 1991-1995 1996-Present 1981 "Gay cancer," later…

AIDS Timeline

Key events, important people, activism and breakthroughs by David Johnson and Shmuel Ross 1981-1983 1985-1988 1991-1995 1996-Present 1981 "Gay cancer," later…

AIDS Timeline

Key events, important people, activism and breakthroughs by David Johnson and Shmuel Ross 1981-1983 1985-1988 1991-1995 1996-Present 1981 "Gay cancer," later…