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Inheritance: Gametogenesis in Plants and Animals

Gametogenesis in Plants and AnimalsInheritanceIntroductionGenes at Work: Mendel's BreakthroughMeiosis and Sexual ReproductionGametogenesis in Plants and AnimalsRegulation of Gene Expression in…

DK Science: Animal Anatomy

PERFECT SYMMETRYSHARK ANATOMYEXOSKELETONCELLSCIRCULATORY SYSTEMFIND OUT MOREThe study of the structure of living things is called anatomy. All animals are made up of CELLS, some of which are…

DK Science: Animal Kingdom

CLASSIFICATIONFIND OUT MOREAnimals belong to the largest and most diverse of the five kingdoms of living things. So far over two million animal species have been identified. All animals…

Frequently Asked Questions: Animals

/**/  Frequently Asked Questions Animals Where can I find out all about an animal or insect (e.g. polar bear, dragonfly, kangaroo, blue whale)? What do you call a group of goats? What do…

Frequently Asked Questions: Animals

Where can I find out all about an animal or insect (e.g. polar bear, dragonfly, kangaroo, blue whale)? What do you call a group of goats? What do you call a baby swan? Where can I find a list of…

Frequently Asked Questions: Animals

/**/  Frequently Asked Questions Animals Where can I find out all about an animal or insect (e.g. polar bear, dragonfly, kangaroo, blue whale)? What do you call a group of goats? What do…

Why Do Animals Become Endangered?

Humans are largely responsible when animals become extinct, endangered or threatened. Here are some reasons why animals become endangered:Destruction of Habitat Humans destroy precious habitat--…

Where in the World Do Animals Live?

Animals live only where they can survive. Koalas, for example, eat only the leaves of certain eucalyptus trees, so they must live in Australia, where these trees grow. All of the animals listed…