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The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Biographies Key Palestinian Figures Mahmoud Abbas Yasir Arafat Sala Fayyad Ismail Haniya Sheik Ahmed Yassin Key Israeli Figures Ehud Barak Menachem…

Overview: The Israel-Palestine Conflict

Image Source: Getty ImagesThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict is an intricate and important situation, as well as a saga that has captivated the attention of the international community for decades. In…


Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Wars Other Related Sites The War Times Journal HistoryNet The History Place BBC Online: Wars and Conflict Wars FAQ Homework…

Institutional Revolutionary party

(Encyclopedia) Institutional Revolutionary party, Span. Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Mexican political party. Established in 1929 as the National Revolutionary party by former…

French Revolutionary calendar

(Encyclopedia) French Revolutionary calendar, the official calendar of France, Nov. 24, 1793–Dec. 31, 1805. Its introduction was decreed by the Convention on Oct. 5, 1793, but it was computed from…

Socialist Revolutionary party

(Encyclopedia) Socialist Revolutionary party, in Russian history, an agrarian party founded by various Populist groups in 1901. Its program, adopted in 1906, called for the overthrow of the autocracy…


(Encyclopedia) war, armed conflict between states or nations (international war) or between factions within a state (civil war), prosecuted by force and having the purpose of compelling the defeated…

The War of 1812

1812-15U.S. troops engaged: 286,730American battle deaths: 2,260The U.S. declared war on Great Britain during its war with France.America passed a series of laws that closed its ports to British…