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Nicknames for U.S. Soldiers

“Jonny Rebel” A Confederate soldier during the Civil War. “Billy Yank” A Union soldier during the Civil War.“Doughboy” A World War I Soldier. “Dogface” A World War II and Korean War Soldier.“Grunt…

Wars: Civil War

Homework Center – Frequently Asked Questions Wars U.S. Civil War Civil War Photographs and Timeline American Civil War Homepage Causes of the Civil War: Documents Wars FAQ…

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

    Biographies Key Palestinian Figures Mahmoud Abbas Yasir Arafat Sala Fayyad Ismail Haniya Sheik Ahmed Yassin Key Israeli Figures Ehud Barak Menachem…

Food for Fighting

“An army marches on its stomach” goes an old saying. Today, many foods that were first designed for soldiers' stomachs have found their way into ours. Did you know that granola bars, instant…

Prizes of War

People who win military awards are very special. They are people whose achievements have been outstanding due to their bravery, courage, or daring. The U.S. military gives 28 decorations, or…

A Who's Who of Warriors

Amazons, Vandals, Vikings—what do they have in common? Do you know they were all warriors? Add guerrillas, kamikazes, and conquistadors and you have quite a group. Who were they? When and where did…