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Memorable Olympic Moments: Jesse Owens, 1936

Track star Jesse Owens defiantly bucks Hitler by Mike Morrison Jesse Owens at the Berlin Olympics in 1936. (Source:AP) Related Links Olympics Overview 2012 Track & Field Preview…

Memorable Olympic Moments: Mark Spitz

Ambitious Mark Spitz claims seven golds and an Olympic record by Mike Morrison Mark Spitz swims for the first of seven gold medals in 1972. (Source: AP) Related Links Olympics Overview…

Memorable Olympic Moments: Kerri Strug

Gymnast Kerri Strug gives it her all at Atlanta by Gerry Brown Kerri Strug on balance beam at the Atlanta Olympics. (Source: Allsport) Related Links Olympics Overview 2012…

Tonya Harding

Born: Nov. 12, 1970Figure skater 1991 U.S. women's champion; involved in bizarre plot hatched by ex-husband Jeff Gillooly to injure rival Nancy Kerrigan on Jan. 6, 1994 and keep her off Olympic…

Katarina Witt

Born: Dec. 3, 1965East German figure skater 4-time world champion (1984-85,87-88); won consecutive Olympic gold medals (1984,88). See also: Memorable Moments: Katarina Witt.